GRASP-suite is a collection of tools and tutorials to perform and analyse ancestral sequence reconstruction.

Central to the GRASP-suite is Graphical Representation of Ancestral Sequence Predictions (GRASP), an ancestral sequence reconstruction tool capable of performing maximum likelihood analysis on very large data sets.

Use GRASP now Go to GRASP repository




Command line version of GRASP. Download bnkit.jar


GRASP performs ancestral sequence reconstruction | Use GRASP now | Link to repository


SeqScrub cleans and annotates FASTA file headers and phylogenetic trees. | Use SeqScrub now | Link to repository


Steps to take to complete ASR

Jupyter notebook to analyse the effect of data set size on ancestral predictions. Recreates figures from the GRASP paper.

Steps through the process of aligning sequences, inferring phylogenetic trees, and using GRASP to predict ancestors. Provides an overview of GRASP’s features.

Detailed explanation of the features of GRASP and how to use it.

Jupyter notebook tutorials that give the user an environment to analyse and curate sequence data sets. Includes notebooks for automatic and iterative removal of sequences and notebooks to map and visualise exon structure on multiple sequence alignments.


Links to additional data / resources